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Business Office

The Business Office is responsible for overseeing all business, financial, and operational functions of the Phelps-Clifton Springs Central School District. Oversight includes budgeting, purchasing, human resources, transportation, food service, and facilities.

Contact information

►Business Administrator: Karl Dubash, (315) 548-6434
►Transportation Director: Leslie Jones, (315) 548-6400
►Buildings & Grounds: Ryan Tilburg, (315) 548-6465 
►District Clerk: Pam Mann, (315) 548-6420 
►HR Specialist: Amber Wiebeld, (315) 548-6436 
►Treasurer (CBO): Mark Socola, (315) 332-7243
►Payroll: (CBO): Emily Enslow, (315) 332-7301 
►Accounts Payable (CBO): Vicki Sosnowski, (315) 332-7340 
►Health Insurance (CBO): Sarah Tyler, (315) 332-7467
►Tax Collector (Ontario County): Debra Wright, (585) 396-4432

District mailing address: 1490 State Route 488, Clifton Springs, NY 14432
Fax Number: (315) 548-6439
Central Business Office mailing address: 131 Drumlin Court, Maple Building, Newark, NY 14513.  Fax Number: (315) 332-7505

NOTE: The Business Administrator, Human Resources and Buildings & Grounds offices are located in the District Office. All others are located at the Central Business Office (CBO), 111 Drumlin Court, Maple Building, Newark, NY 14513. Contact information is subject to change.

Financial Information

photo of  Midlakes business administrator Karl Dubash

Business Administrator

PHONE: (315) 548-6434