Internet Safety for Students
The Internet can be a fun and informative place, but it's important to make good choices when online. Students should never give out personal information online, including:
- Name
- Age
- Address
- Phone Number
- Your school
- Pictures of you or friends
Rules To Keep Student Safe Online
- Ask an adult for permission to be online.
- Share with an adult when anything online makes you feel uncomfortable.
- Don't share personal information.
- Choose passwords that are hard to guess, but easy for you to remember.
- Choose nicknames that don't tell anything about you.
- Never meet with someone you met online without permission from a parent/guardian. Make sure that responsible adult is with you.
- Treat people nicely.
- Don't take things that aren't yours and claim them as your own.
- Never open emails from people you don't know.
Internet Safety For Parents
It's important to teach children how to use the Internet safely. Families can start at home by:
- Keeping your computer in a central location
- Discuss and set guidelines for computer and internet use
- Consider using software that will help you monitor your child's email and Internet use
Additional Resources
►Safe Kids Internet Quiz
►Internet Safety Tips for Parents
►Protect Kids Online
►Parents' Guide to Cell Phones
►Parents' Guide to Snapchat