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Internet Safety for Students

The Internet can be a fun and informative place, but it's important to make good choices when online. Students should never give out personal information online, including:

  • Name
  • Age
  • Address
  • Phone Number
  • Your school
  • Pictures of you or friends

Rules To Keep Student Safe Online

  1. Ask an adult for permission to be online. 
  2. Share with an adult when anything online makes you feel uncomfortable. 
  3. Don't share personal information.
  4. Choose passwords that are hard to guess, but easy for you to remember. 
  5. Choose nicknames that don't tell anything about you. 
  6. Never meet with someone you met online without permission from a parent/guardian. Make sure that responsible adult is with you.  
  7. Treat people nicely. 
  8. Don't take things that aren't yours and claim them as your own. 
  9. Never open emails from people you don't know. 

Internet Safety For Parents

It's important to teach children how to use the Internet safely. Families can start at home by:

  • Keeping your computer in a central location
  • Discuss and set guidelines for computer and internet use
  • Consider using software that will help you monitor your child's email and Internet use

Additional Resources

Safe Kids Internet Quiz
Internet Safety Tips for Parents
Protect Kids Online
Parents' Guide to Cell Phones
Parents' Guide to Snapchat