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Requests for Qualifications

As a parent of a student at the Phelps-Clifton Springs Central School District, you have the right to know the professional qualifications of the classroom teacher(s) who instruct your child.

Title I funds are received by the District and this Federal law allows you to ask certain information about your child's classroom teacher(s) and requires the District to provide this to you in a timely manner. Specifically, you have the right to request the following information: 

  1. Whether the teacher is New York State licensed or qualified to teach the grade and subject he/she is teaching. 
  2. Whether there is an agreement with New York State Education Department and the District that the teacher(s) can teach in the classroom without appropriate licensure or qualification because of special circumstances. 
  3. The teacher's college major and whether the teacher has any advanced degrees and what subject the degree is in. 
  4. Whether any paraprofessionals provide service to your child and their qualifications to do so. 

Should you wish to exercise your right to obtain the above information about your child's teacher please contact the office of Special Programs & Services or your child's building principal in writing: 

  • Midlakes Elementary School Principal Christopher Moyer, 1500 State Route 488, Clifton Springs, NY, 14432. Email:
  • Midlakes Middle/High School Principal Daniel McAlpin, 1554 State Route 488,  Clifton Springs, NY 14432. Email:
  • Jeffrey Hamelinck, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, District Office, 1490 State Route 488, Clifton Springs, NY, 14432. Email:

Families may also use the form below or contact District Office at (315) 548-6420 for more information,

Parental Request for Professional Qualifications of Staff


The district is able to provide such information as certification area(s) and college major(s), current assignment, years at current assignment, years in district, teaching and  relevant experiences and inform parents/legal guardians of any agreements with the New York State Education Department and the district that allows a staff to work out of their certification and if a paraprofessional (teacher aide or assistant) is providing services to their child and the qualifications under such a situation. 
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First Name
Last Name
Must contain only numbers
Are You a District Resident?
Staff Memberrequired
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