Strategic Plan
*Best viewed on a desktop or laptop.
Year 1 Highlights
Academic Excellence
- Implemented the K-12 MTSS plan with staff. Held grade level data meetings K-8.
- Provided on-going professional development and training to all staff regarding social-emotional needs and supports.
- Developed common K-12 expectations/language.
- Created a secondary scheduling committee to investigate master schedule models and survey students and staff for input.
Midlakes Community
- Surveyed families regarding expectations for and barriers to effective communication.
Strong and Empowered Staff
- Researched best practices for internal communication and surveyed faculty and staff regarding internal communication systems.
- Reviewed the existing evaluation process for professional development sessions that have been offered and developed feedback mechanisms, including an annual survey and individual session evaluations.
- Conducted a needs assessment to determine professional development needs for all employees.
- Provided clarity on the system for professional development eligibility and payment for participation.
- Compiled a report of evaluation and enrollment data on the year's professional development offerings.
- Provided opportunities through the district wellness committee for staff such as the LIFT Project, Rally Rewards, etc.
The Lift Project Themes
- Week 1: Speak Positively - Your Limbo is Listening
- Week 2: Motion Creates Emotion – Move Dynamically
- Week 3: Together Feels Better – Immerse in an Uplifting Social Environment
- Week 4: Feelings Follow Your Focus – Look to the Positive
- Week 5: Food Fuels Your Mood – Eat Nutritiously
- Week 6: Rest Well & Stress Less to Feel Your Best
- Week 7: Giving is Living – Serve
Student Life
- Assessed participation rates and family/student interests in athletic program offerings.
- Reviewed and updated behavior/conduct policies to ensure progressive discipline strategies for drug and alcohol infractions are included and policies are aligned with current laws.
- Researched partnership opportunities to address specific needs found when analyzing discipline reports.
- Explored leadership opportunities for students and expanded before and after-school programs, clubs, and other extracurricular offerings.
New clubs/activities for 2022-23 at Middle/High School: E-Sports, Debate, Diversity Club, HS Intramurals, Newspaper, Arts & Crafts, Announcements.
Elementary School: Chess club, Running club, STEM club, Safety Patrol, and Announcements club.
Year 2
Academic Excellence
- Develop a sustainability/accountability plan for MTSS K-12 work.
- Implement PBIS (positive behavioral interventions and supports) at all levels to support Social-Emotional Learning.
- Develop an annual process for reviewing district data and evaluating the effectiveness of interventions to ensure continual improvement.
- Investigate additional strategies to improve graduation rates.
- Review progress and the steps needed for implementing findings and recommendations regarding the special education review conducted by the University of Rochester Warner School.
Midlakes Community
- Investigate inconsistencies between operational communication with families.
- Investigate current resources, needs and ability to access (barriers) to these community resources.
- Investigate methods of being transparent about student achievement, data, and educational improvement efforts.
- Gather a comprehensive list of ways to celebrate accomplishments and traditions.
- Investigate barriers to the engagement and inclusion of specific subgroups.
- Educate stakeholders on diversity, equity, and inclusion within the district.
Strong & Empowered Staff
- Implement a system that will increase quality communication between faculty and staff.
- Gather information on current practices and identify what people want for emotional, social, and physical wellness activities and opportunities.
Student Life
- Identify underlying causes of disruptive, distractive, and recurring behaviors.
- Review and assess opportunities for all student education in drug and alcohol use and abuse.
- Evaluate our current athletic fields and facilities to maximize community and student accessibility.
Additional Focus on Midlakes Community
- To ensure the safety of students and staff.
- Increased SRO support in all buildings across the Midlakes campus.
- Installation of call buttons at MMS/MHS through the Smart School Bond Act Project.
- Limiting building access for staff to operational hours to limit risk and liability.
- Improved measures in cyber security (2-Factor Authentication, Phishing Exercises).
- Investigate the use of 24-hour helpline for reporting incidents.
Phelps-Clifton Springs CSD Strategic Plan (2021-2026)
Approved by the Board of Education on Oct.18, 2021.
District Vision: To create a community of learners and leaders who demonstrate the 21st century skills necessary to compete and thrive in a global society.
District Mission: The Phelps-Clifton Springs Central School District will enable students to demonstrate college and career readiness by displaying:
- Strong Moral Character: Our students will display compassion and respect for others. Students will be confident yet humble in their approach. When faced with a choice, students will make responsible decisions.
- Critical Thinking Skills: Our students will demonstrate the ability to solve complex problems and to do so by remaining open-minded to all possible outcomes.
- Perseverance: Our students will proactively demonstrate an ability to put forth the extra effort in order to accomplish tasks. With a focus on both short and long term goals, students will demonstrate the ability to work hard, build stamina, and ultimately attain goals.
- Cultural Awareness: Our students will be mindful of cultural differences based on the ever-evolving global community. Our students will be culturally sensitive and collaborate with a diverse population.
- Innovation: Our students will demonstrate an ability to take calculated risks, be creative, and not be fearful of showing vulnerability.
The Phelps-Clifton Springs Central School District Strategic Plan consists of 4 primary areas of focus:
- Academic Excellence: To provide programs and supports to improve student achievement.
- Midlakes Community: To connect with parents and community members to support our students, create new opportunities for excellence, honor and sustain our traditions and ensure success for every member of the Midlakes Family.
- Strong and Empowered Staff: To ensure all employees will feel valued and supported in their commitment to student success.
- Student Life: To provide a wide variety of inclusive opportunities that foster the development of all students’ character and well-being through education, athletics, and other programs.
Last Modified on September 22, 2022