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Facility Use Portal

The Phelps-Clifton Springs Central School District Board of Education encourages the community use of school facilities when such use is in the public interest, does not conflict with school activities, and is not detrimental to the purpose of schools. Residents, staff members, and community groups can make online facility use requests by following the steps below:

ML Schedules Registration logo

All facility use requests are completed online. The first step needed to make an online facility use request is to create an ML Schedules user account by clicking the above icon. Be sure to complete every field and then click the submit button. An e-mail confirmation will be set if the registration process was successfully completed. The links below provide additional information:

ML Schedule Login logo

Once an account is created users can start making facility reservations using ML Schedules. Click the above log-in icon to access your account. The following video further explains the reservation process as does the Community User Quick Start Guide.

Making A Request Using ML Schedules (video)  


Click on the following calendar to see if the requested school district facility is available.

image of the ML Schedules Calendar

General Guidelines 

District policy requires a custodian to be present for any request that takes place outside normal working hours, where a district staff member from that building is not present. Should a custodian be needed, the user group is required to pay for this service. A custodial fee may also be charged for certain events at the discretion of the district.

Fee Schedule

Custodial Staff: $42/hour
Cafeteria Staff: $35/hour


  • Certificate of Insurance, minimum $1,000,000 coverage, is required from all non-school individuals or groups. The Phelps-Clifton Springs Central School District must be added as an additional insured. Applications will not be processed until this certificate is on file.
  • School activities take precedence over all other uses.
  • If the district is closed due to inclement weather or emergency, all activities are canceled for that day/evening.
  • This permit is valid only for the approved dates, times, facilities, and equipment.

In order to protect the property and reduce the liability of the district, the Superintendent is instructed by the Board of Education to develop regulations for use of facilities by community groups. Such regulations are to ensure the prudent management of community resources and prevent an additional financial burden on our community resulting for such use.

Any requested use of school facilities must conform to Education Law. Those approved to use district facilities and participants will be responsible for observing all Board of Education regulations including:

  1. Agree to indemnify and hold the Board of Education harmless by reason of any claim filed by a member of this organization or any individual in attendance and further agrees to pay the cost of school supervision, custodial, police or firemen personnel as needed.
  2. All individual or groups authorized to use school facilities assume responsibility for the conduct of both participants and spectators.
  3. No smoking in all buildings and on all school property.
  4. No alcohol on the premises at any time.
  5. In the event school has been canceled because of poor weather, energy crisis, etc., all activities scheduled by outside organizations will be postponed and a request to reschedule will be necessary.
  6. During a holiday break or on weekends, in the event custodians or cafeteria workers must be retained, the sponsoring organization will be responsible for the payment of these people.
  7. School facilities and equipment must be left in the same condition they are found. 

Failure to comply with the above rules prohibits future use of such school activities.

Additional Resource

►Facilities Use Terms & Conditions Form