Year at Glance
Provided below are convenient one-page calendars highlighting holidays, vacation days and other important dates in English and Spanish. Full calendars can be found below (use the website's translation tool to review full calendar in multiple languages).
2024-2025 District Calendar
One-Page Calendar (English) | One-Page Calendar (Spanish) |
Events Calendars
All events are subject to change without notice. A cycle day pushes to the next school day in the event of a school closing (weather, etc.) Contact your school, teacher or log into SchoolTool for more information. Click on a tab below to view and subscribe to specific feeds. All events subject to change without notice.
School Events
School Events
Calendar & Category Legend:
- School Events
Board of Education Dates
Calendar & Category Legend:
- Board of Education Meetings
Holidays & Appreciation Days
Calendar & Category Legend:
- Holidays/Appreciation Days
Call your school for updates and more specific information as it becomes available.
Exams (Regents, State Assessments)
Contact school for updates and more specific information on all exams, including those not published to this calendar.
Calendar & Category Legend:
- Exam Dates
Key Sports Dates & Team Schedules
Please visit the Section V sports site for updated schedules and a list of streaming home and away contests. But really, why wouldn't you want to come to school and support your Screaming Eagles in person?
Calendar & Category Legend:
- Key Sports Dates
K-6 Cycle Days
K-6 Cycle Days
All grades are on a number system. A cycle day is not skipped when school closes for a weather event or other reason. This calendar may not immediately reflect any changes that occur during the school year. Red cycle days are for Grades 7-12. Blue is for K-6.
Calendar & Category Legend:
- Elementary Cycle Days
7-12 Cycle Days
Grades 7-12 Cycle Days
All grades are on a number system. A cycle day is not skipped when school closes for a weather event or other reason. This calendar may not immediately reflect any changes that occur during the school year. Red cycle days are for Grades 7-12. Blue is for K-6.
Calendar & Category Legend:
Secondary Cycle Days
- Secondary Cycle Days