Midlakes Elementary School
The Opening day of the 2024-2025 school year is quickly approaching. To make it easier for families to find the information they are looking for, we have separated some important topics into separate pages to focus on key information. We hope that it makes it easier for you to find the information you are looking for. You will find your child’s classroom/homeroom information located at the bottom of the final page.
When visiting the MES building, all visitors must enter through the main office. Please come prepared with a driver’s license or another official form of identification. Main Office: (315) 548-6900.
The first day of school for students is Wednesday, Sept. 4. For security reasons, parents are not permitted to enter the building to walk their children to their classrooms.
The regular school day begins at 8:45 a.m. and ends at 3:15 p.m.. The doors open at 8:40 a.m. to students.
Please call or email the MES nurse’s office when your child is absent from school. This allows us to properly record the absences and reduce the number of phone calls to parents from the nurse’s office. Call (315) 549-6900, or email: mtyman@midlakes.org or hvanhout@midlakes.org.
Midlakes Elementary School will be open to families with students in grades 1-6 from 3:15 - 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 3. Families may enter the building to find their child’s classroom. The majority of the teachers and staff will be present to assist families and to greet students. We understand that some families may not be able to attend on Sept. 3. Families will also be allowed to visit Aug. 26-28. Teachers are not required to be in the building on these days and their classrooms will not be open. The office staff will be in the building to provide support.
Kindergarten will be conducting their meet and greet on August 28. Kindergarten families will find additional information in this mailing.
This year, all school supplies will be provided by the school district and the Rotary Club. Supplies have been given directly to classroom teachers. The Rotary Club will have a limited supply of backpacks to offer on Sept. 3.
The Midlakes Elementary Fall Open House is tentatively scheduled for October 16 and 17. Our parking lot does not allow us to invite all grade levels on the same night. More detailed information will be provided as we get closer to this event.
The Transportation Department will communicate with families on bussing information. Please contact the Transportation Department with any questions or concerns. (315) 548-6400.
- UPK and Kindergarten will be directed to enter the parking lot for drop off. (Please follow the signs) We will also have staff assigned to the parking lot to assist in directing traffic.
- Grades 1-6 students will be directed to be dropped off in the parent loop. (Please follow the signs) We will also have staff assigned to help direct the flow of traffic.
LATE DROP-OFF: Students arriving late to school must be walked into the building by an adult. If the building doors have been closed and there are no longer staff outside the building, a student is considered to be late. The office will ask for parents to provide a note explaining the late arrival.
PARENT PICK-UP: The safety of our students is the priority in this process. All families are receiving two "student pick up" signs for their cars. During pick up, please place this sign on your rearview mirror or dashboard. This is very helpful in expediting the parent pick up process.
Please follow the specified times for parent pick-up:
- 3:10 – UPK and Kindergarten (same location as drop off)
- 3:10 – Grades 2, 4 and 6 (Parent loop)
- 3:15 – Grades 1, 3 and 5 (Parent loop)
Families with students in multiple grades are asked to come at 3:15 p.m. We also ask that parents give us some grace for the first days of school. Your child’s safety is our priority, and this process may take a few days to streamline.
Please send a note to school with your child if you intend to pick them up early. It is also acceptable to call or email the Main Office with this information. We try to do our best to have students called to the office ahead of time to help parents stay on schedule. All bus changes must be made through the Transportation Department. (315) 548-6400.
We understand that emergencies happen, and changes may need to be made to a student’s dismissal.
Parent Pick-up changes can be made through the Main Office. Please call the office as early as possible to communicate any changes. We prefer that all changes be made prior to 1:30 p.m. (315) 548-6900. All bus changes must be made through the Transportation Department. (315) 548-6400.
All students are eligible to receive free breakfast and lunch.
Immediately after arrival, students wishing to receive a school breakfast will be directed to go to the cafeteria. School staff will be present in the cafeteria to provide support.
Students will be walked to and from the cafeteria by their teacher or another member of the staff. Monitors and staff will be present in the cafeteria to support students during lunch. When available, ice cream and cookies must be purchased. These items are not part of the free lunch program.
We encourage families to send their child to school each day with a healthy snack. Teachers generally have snacks available in their classrooms for students who are without one. Teachers always appreciate donations to their stock of classroom snack options.
The best way to start this process is to contact your child’s teacher. All volunteers must complete the district volunteer/chaperone application.
Many of our field trips require additional chaperones. This need will be included in teacher communications about field trips. All chaperones must complete the district volunteer/chaperone application.
We also ask that all chaperones begin and end the day at school. All Chaperones must check in through the MES office to receive their chaperone/visitor’s sticker. All special requests to meet a child’s class at the off-campus location or to pick up a child early from a field trip must be approved by Mr. Moyer.
The safety of our students is always our priority. We understand that the completion of this paperwork takes time, but it is helpful in assuring your child’s safety.
Only those who have not been previously approved must complete this paperwork. Forms can be found on the district website and by contacting the MES office.
All students will be given an iPad for academic purposes. Classroom teachers will provide information about how they utilize technology in their classrooms. It is important for students to be reminded that these devices are school property and are a privilege not a guarantee. The district is dedicated to educating students in the proper way to utilize these powerful learning tools. The district does its best to monitor student usage and the firewalls are effective in filtering or catching inappropriate information while on campus.
Students who utilize their iPads in an inappropriate way may lose the privilege to have a device along other disciplinary action.
Elementary students are not permitted to have personal devices during school hours. All personal devices such as phones must stay in their cubbies or lockers during the school day.
Students who violate this expectation one time will have their technology confiscated until the end of the school day. The school administration will also contact the student’s parent/guardian if this occurs. Students who repeatedly violate this expectation will face stricter action from the administration. In most cases we ask that a parent/guardian come to school for a meeting and to collect the confiscated device.